Versions with a
mark are legal for current play.
Versions with a
mark have been retired, and are illegal for current play.
All printed sheets should have the icon for the current version, or a version that has not been retired.
- 2016-07-09 21:00:00 EST
- Battle Captains 1.0 is released. All previous printed sheets are now illegal.
- Reduced the cost of air support units.
- Added all flavour text and rule explainations now that the rulebook is complete.
- Various bug fixes.
- 2016-05-18 16:00:00 EST
- Beta 4 is released. All previous printed sheets are now illegal.
- Armies can now be placed in groups
- The five page areas of the army editor are now collapsible, and default to collapsed, and remember their state for the next page load.
- The army list now show statistics about each (company and element counts, reinforcement cost, air and ground support counts) as well as a direct download link.
- Attack attributes that require a certain attack type will say so on attacks with more than one type as a reminder.
- All attack, defence, and close assault die sizes are now limited to D2, D4, D6, D8, D10, and D12. Any now-illegal values were moved up to the closest legal value.
- All attacks (section, air support, and artillery) can now have a modifier garunteed to be added to each die roll. For attacks with multiple pulse, the modifier affects each pulse, not the total. The modifier can't be more than half the die size.
- New visual template.
- Printed sheets now include the user's name small just above the army name for credit.
- Various bug fixes.
- 2016-02-22 12:30:00 EST
- Beta 3 is released. All previous printed sheets are now illegal.
- Massive change to attacks. All attacks can now be soft, hard, air, or explosive with a different die and range.
- Various bug fixes.
- 2016-02-10 20:00:00 EST
- Beta 2 is released. All previous printed sheets are now illegal.
- Many cost change balances. Discard all printed sheets from before Beta 2.
- Users can manually set the officer and troop qualities of platoon leaders at design-time, or leave them to be rolled table-side.
- 2016-02-07 13:00:00 EST
- Beta 1 is released. All previous printed sheets are now illegal.
- Companies costs' now don't account for reinforcements, air support, or artillery support unless those are selected during print.
- "Upgrades" are now "Replacements".
- Elements can now be marked as an upgraded version of one or more other elements, cost for switching shows on support list instead of buying, a user can upgrade instead.
- Session time limit raised to 7200 seconds (2 hours).
- Companies can now have mandatory artillery and air support.
- The attacks of sections, air support, and ground supprt can now all have labels. Labels can be up to 3 rows, up to 20 characters per row, and each row can be optionally bolded.
- Companies, Sections, Air Support and Artillery Support units can now be copied. The copy will have the same name with (copy) suffixed. Copied sections have the same replace list but are not added to sections that replace the original.
- Attacks can now hit both hard and soft targets.
- The points symbol no longer appears with the replacement cost delta.
- When saving elements, companies, and the army reinforcement list the change in cost is shown in the green bar after "Save Successful."
- Armies in the main list are now sorted alphabetically.
- Various bug fixes.
- 2015-12-08 11:00:00 EST
- Alpha 2 is released. All previous printed sheets are now illegal.
- Game-wide point rebalancing.
- "Radio" is now "Comms", "Missile" is now "Rocket", "Weapon" is now "Attack", "Can Tow" is now "Prime Mover".
- Added basic and advanced networks, smoke discharger, and hardened as section traits.
- Added smoke and phosphorous (mutually exclusive), saturation, heat, smart, and mega to air and ground support.
- Users can now have individual/groups of units on their reinforcement list with individual weights, or whole platoons. Individuals/groups appear before platoons and are denoted by NATO symbol.
- Made smoke and phosphorous mutually exclusive on sections.
- Missiles now available at early era, down from middle era.
- Smoke and Phosphorus now require a certain target (eg, explosive)
- Armies are now edited by clicking the parts of the sidebar on the army screen.
- Modified all sections, air and artillery units to use new modal format.
- New interface for picking nato symbol and size for all units.
- Flag picker now collapses all countries to just their names until user uses show/hide buttons.
- New company editor, updated format and faster.
- New reinforcement editor, used same styles as company editor where possible.
- Raw icon is now a black warning triangle, white field, black exclamation point.
- Amphibious icon is now a boat propeller.
- Company platoons are named "Command", "1st", "2nd", etc. Reinforcement platoons are named "A", "B", "C" ... "Z", "AA", "BB", etc.
- Various bug fixes.
- 2015-11-21 11:00:00 EST
- Alpha 1 is pushed to the live server with all basic functionality.
- 2015-07-22 14:30:00 EST
- Alpha 0 is added to the database and source control.